Nestled within plain sight of humanity, a race of bird-of-prey shifters dwell. Deeply rooted in their species’ heritage and rituals, Aviana Byrde comes of age and a mate’s selected in the way dictated by those very traditions.
Outshining the rest, Andor Malar craves to bond with Aviana. When that secret desire comes true, he cannot get enough of the little shifter.
After a night full of carnal abandon and newly awakened desires, Aviana’s tossed in a harsh direction—one she never imagined. Will she meet her death before she is able to appreciate the depths of true love? Will Andor’s fevered search for his new life mate prevail?
Enter Corbin Lark, a kind-hearted falconer with a family history he knows nothing about. Will he be able to accept the seemingly far-fetched story he’s told when the beautiful vision he’s only dreamed about suddenly enters his life for real?
After a shocking twist of fate intervenes, will the unsuspecting trio be able to withstand the upheaval as their world rocks on its axis, or will the shifter species simply fade into extinction?
*This third edition has been expanded by 3,000+ words and re-edited.
Published May 6, 2016
Purchase Links for Virgin Prey
*This third edition has been expanded by 500+ words and re-edited.
Published May 7, 2016
Purchase Links for Burning Prey
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